Spain: Palma offers Roma families money to move out of Son Bath

The Palma city council has pledged 15,000 euros to each family who voluntarily leave the troubled area of ​​Son Banja to be implemented by the end of 2021.


According to Anthony Noguera, city councilor for culture and social affairs, for the Spanish MM newspaper, Ultima Fora, the financial incentive can reach up to 20,000 euros.


Families can choose whether they want to get some kind of allowance or take advantage of the social rent that the city council initially offers for houses in Palma.


However, families with the largest number of Roma have to meet a large number of requirements. Among other things, residents are not allowed to own another apartment or business. Children must also meet the requirements for compulsory schooling.


By 2021, 85 houses in the Blue Bath are to be demolished for around 917,000 euros, which currently still live in about 90 families. A partial demolition took place between July 2018 and March 2019, before which 31 houses were ordered evicted




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