The 24-page German terrorist explained why he hated Muslims and women

The motive behind the attack on Hanau is xenophobia, and that 43-year-old striker Tobias R. Murray has been on the run. and his mother were found dead with gunshot wounds to his home, said Federal Interior Minister Hessen Peter Beuth.


In Hanau, a city east of Frankfurt, eight people were killed yesterday when an attacker carried out two armed attacks on a hookah bar.

One of the injured died in hospital, bringing the death toll to nine. Those killed were mostly Turks and Kurds.


Tobias R. left behind a 24-page manifesto and several videos describing his life. Parts of the manifesto were reported by German media, indicating that the attacker was an extreme right-wing man who had psychological problems.


He hated all migrants, no matter where they came from.


"If you want to solve the problem of foreign criminals, you should not attack the external enemies, but defeat the internal ones. And that may be your people," the manifesto said, adding: "Not everyone who holds a German passport today is half-blooded, half of the population should be eliminated. "


In addition, Tobias R. he was paranoid and convinced that he had been followed by a "special secret service" since childhood.


The manifesto says it became clear on September 11, 2001, the day the WTC was attacked. He also claims that Donald Trump and Jürgen Klopp, a football coach, stole his ideas.


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