There are no new passport appointments to overcome the problem

The Travel Document Scheduling System will be out of service until a solution is found to overcome the problem of lack of templates for these personal documents.


This was stated by the technical interior minister Nake Shulev, who emphasized that the Ministry of Interior is investigating to find the responsibility for this problem.

- The problem with personal documents, IDs and driving licenses has been overcome. But travel documents remain the problem and are the result of poor planning, omissions and late orders.


He pointed out that so far 16,500 applications for travel documents have been submitted on a regular basis, and the MI has 3,600 more forms available. Urgent requests that are about 650 will be processed.


Shulev emphasized that until this problem is overcome there will be no application for travel documents either in regular or urgent manner.


The Minister also stressed that the issue will be re-opened at a government session in order to overcome the problem as soon as possible.

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