Who stands behind the Leviatan movement? The story is much darker than it seems at first glance

Disguised, dangerous and tattooed Serbs, lighthearted and supposedly animal lovers, uncompromising righteous, gentle cruelties - are part of a roster of activists from the Leviatan Movement, formed as they write on their official overseas spontaneous rally in 2015 in Belgrade. Shrugged, tattooed with phantoms on his head rescuing abused animals and sent to the abuser, "Don't abuse the animals, we'll find you" quickly caught media attention and garnered public sympathy.


But the reality is different. Leviatan is an informal gang of criminals with fascist ideology who use the alleged struggle for the welfare of animals as a cover-up for fascist and criminal activity. The core of the group is made up of criminals, mostly drug clan members, fascist activists and thugs. Most of them have criminal records and criminal offenses of violence and drug trafficking.


They also have friends and relatives with prominent drug dealers in Serbia. In addition, they are involved in many other violent actions against Roma, gays and other "enemies of Serbs". Leftists use lies, counterfeits and propaganda. where they say the Roma are the culprits for the difficult animal situation.


As a result, there have been several attacks on Roma collectors of secondary horse-drawn carriages. War criminals and criminals are regularly and publicly praised. This was noted by the organization of the Novi Sad Anti-Fascist Action at this year's Weekend Media Festivala in Rovinj, where Jasminka Herzog from the Croatian branch of the Leviants and Aleskar Buhanac, who is said to be a "known violent activist and fascist," also participated. scene.


Link: https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/tko-stoji-iza-pokreta-levijatan-prica-je-puno-mracnija-nego-sto-se-cini-na-prvu/2045193.aspx?fbclid=IwAR086qIH7Zv5WR02XY-2ntPReQ0PBOCb3lcfDQH9dc9GAio3B72tVQwSVtE

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