Pula: Arrested man linked to murder of Roma children

Pula police in the Kavran neighborhood have arrested two people suspected of committing multiple crimes, from forging documents to extorting funds.


According to media reports, one of them is Nijaz Causevic - Medo (66), who is linked to the murder of Roma children in Bosnia during the war, with the second detainee allegedly his son.


According to media reports, Nijaz Causevic Medo admitted to taking part in the murders of Roma children for organ trafficking, but later denied it. The massacre took place in 1992 in the village of Sijkovica near Bosanski Brod, where the bodies were found and exhumed in 2004.


Lawyer Dusko Tomic claims that Causevic once confessed to him that members of the Croatian Armed Forces (HOS) killed Roma children who were traveling by bus from BiH to Western Europe. The children were allegedly taken out of organs that were later sold on the black market for human organs.


Causevic told Croatian media he had never heard of such a crime before, nor did he, but by personal confession, he could not enter BiH because he was declared a war criminal here.


Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/hrvatska-uhapsen-muskarac-koji-se-povezivao-s-ubistvima-romske-djece/

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