Office demolished and all CDRZ office supplies stolen

The Roma Community Development Center (CDRZ) "Bairska svetlina" expresses deep concern about the security situation, especially in the Bair neighborhood due to the latest occurrence at the premises of the association and the Dimitar Vlahov Neighborhood targeted by thieves and hooligans. During the New Year holidays from 01.01.2020 to 06.01.2020 the office was demolished and all office equipment stolen.


"This is not the first case and attempt, for which windows and doors have been broken on several occasions and inappropriate graffiti has been written on the walls. Such abusive behaviors have unfortunately not been punished by the non-competent institutions, and it is of concern that they are only recorded and no measures have been taken in these cases.


However, the case has been reported to the Ministry of Interior - Bitola and has been handled by police officers, in accordance with the competencies that completed the minutes and the proceedings are pending.


In this context, we urge the institutions responsible for maintaining civil order and public security to take appropriate and timely steps to curb criminal and aberrant cases and to establish a normal and peaceful course of action, as well as to take timely and responsible steps to control and establish public safety and security needed for the smooth functioning of the association and the neighborhood community in Bair, Bitola, Remsi Medik, president of Bairska svetlina, responds in a written response.

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