Hungary: Roma die because first aid refuses to enter settlement without police escort

The mayor of the town of Senetje - Csenyétea, a small village in Hungary. István Kiss says a Roma woman died last week because an ambulance driver refused to enter the Roma village without police escort.

Keys condemned the action as discriminatory, and told the media he would pursue legal action. Even more controversial is that right-wing media dogs have used this tragedy as proof that there are still places to be avoided in Hungary.


Chief Keys said in a Facebook video that he had been informed in the afternoon that one of the villagers had fainted and had no pulse. In his words, he responded quickly where his neighbor took him to the ambulance, which was located at the entrance of the village, where the driver did not want to enter the village without police escort. Unfortunately this person's life could not be saved.


A contradictory statement by the National Ambulance Service says police are needed because the ambulance has received threatening and violent phone calls. In a statement for information number 444, the service rejects allegations of discrimination because they say "the basic value of the savior is equality, and our task is to provide the best possible help and service to anyone in need."


The chief, however, is convinced that it is a matter of discrimination because he says the government's order requires officials not to go to Roma houses without police escort.


"We will not forget this, we will seek justice through the Court. This is not the fault of ambulances, they have been instructed not to come to Roma settlements without police escorts, "said Keys.

From the ERRC (European Roma Rights Center), one of the pediatricians from the city of Arlo says:

“When they call an ambulance, they sound very arrogant. I honestly don't want to talk to them. Calling a medical car for no reason. Someone coughs at home, and they don't want to go to the doctor because they have five children at home. It is easier for them to call a doctor to come home to them. ”

Some ERRC physicians have openly stated that they know their ambulance colleagues who often do not respond to calls from Roma, assuming that these are not emergencies.


All circumstances point to a wider regional issue of depriving Roma ambulances in separate settlements, while the head of the village has confirmed that this is not the first incident of its kind. Less than a year ago, a five-year-old Roma child died under similar circumstances.



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