Nis: Roma neighborhood "12 February" two weeks without electricity!

The Roma settlement in Nis "12 February" has existed since 1948. Once there were about 10 families, and today there are 18 families with about 100 household members. There are Roma people living there and 40% of them are children, 20% are old and sick.


None of those people have a full-time job, and they live by collecting secondary raw materials and social assistance.


Two weeks ago in this neighborhood the power supply was interrupted due to a malfunction of the installations, and with the arrival of the intervention team, the malfunction was not repaired due to the debt of the people of this place, and they have no basis for reconnection!


Representatives from the settlement meanwhile have met and talked with the mayor of the town of Nis who is ready to help solve the problem, and is scheduled to meet with one of the directors of Serbia's Electric Power Company.


Unfortunately, the meeting did not end in a positive outcome. The locals, as the first type of dissatisfaction, have announced a media address and if this does not bring a positive outcome, they will announce protests and radical steps, residents of the neighborhood say.



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