"Get The Heck to School' project: Selma Selman fights for Roma girls' better tomorrow

Selma Selman, a world-renowned Bosnian-born artist and artist living in New York, has launched a new project to help educate Roma girls in BiH. She has been raising funds for Roma children from Bihac for the third year within the March on School Foundation with the intention of expanding activities.

The "Get The Heck To School" project aims to increase the number of children from this marginalized group in school desks, and as Selma points out, those 15% currently attending classes reach 95%.

Selma highlighted three major problems that contributed to this condition.
Small percentage of children attending school

Early marriages among Roma girls, and discrimination of Roma children in society.

Link: https://www.klix.ba/vijesti/humanitarne-akcije/projekt-mars-u-skolu-selma-selman-se-bori-za-bolje-sutra-romskih-djevojcica/190903020


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