What are the highest paid jobs in the US without a college degree?

A good diploma is not enough for a good job and a high salary, sometimes it is not needed.

The US Employment Agency has released statistics related to the average annual earnings in the country. 

The results, however, also show which professions can be pursued with a higher education, and sometimes more profitable than a college degree.

Expectedly, the highest salaries are given to doctors of science, but also to those employed in the health sector, anesthesiologists, specialists and surgeons.

These seven professions fall into well-paid occupations that can be worked in the United States without a college degree:

  1. Flight control - average annual earnings of $ 124,540
  2. Radiologists - average annual earnings of $ 80,570
  3. Nuclear Technicians - average annual earnings of $ 80,370
  4. Funeral organizers - average annual earnings of $ 78,040
  5. Nuclear medicine technologists - average annual earnings of $ 75,660
  6. Dental Hygienists - average annual earnings of $ 74,070
  7. Medical Practitioners in Diagnostics - Average Annual Earnings of $ 71,410.
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