From now on at the Tabanovce - Presevo "One-stop-shop" - only one joint control

The concept of common border controls with one stop stop "one stop shop" means simplified procedures that are carried out at a common border crossing point, with a single stop, through which the control of passengers, goods and their vehicles is carried out only in one place.

For passengers and transporters moving from Serbia to Northern Macedonia, the border guard service of Serbia will carry out an outbound control of the state of our country's border crossing Tabanovce, while the control for those traveling in the opposite direction will be carried out by the Macedonian border services the territory of Serbia at the border crossing Presevo

The border crossing Tabanovce is just the beginning of the major changes that we expect in this field at several border crossings, projects with our other neighbors Albania and Kosovo are under way, which will bring enormous benefits to economic operators.

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