Over 70,000 Macedonian citizens have only two to three meals a week

According to the Food Bank - Macedonia, and the project "VSS Effect", supported by the European Union, illustrates the necessity of the law with the fact that over 70,000 Macedonian citizens have only 2 to 3 meals a week, and over 12 thousand tons of usable foods dumping at the landfill.

"The working group worked from the end of March 2019 until the end of July 2019, and the work was realized through ten working sessions, and we managed to somehow agree and compile the draft-legal solution for the current topic, excess food and placing it in favor of persons and families in social risk ie. to all those who will need food.

Nothing must be improvised and acted on how to remember, on the one hand to keep PR through human love, and on the other hand to endanger the lives of users who would not approve of food for their own sake " warns Hristov, a member of the organization that takes care of support and assistance to socially excluded and poor people.

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