Skopje marks 56 years since the disastrous earthquake on July 26, 1963

The 1963 Skopje earthquake  was a 6.1 moment magnitude earthquake which occurred in Skopje, SR Macedonia then part of the SFR Yugoslavia, on July 26, 1963, which killed over 1,070 people, injured between 3,000 and 4,000 and left more than 200,000 people homeless. About 80 percent of the city was destroyed.

The earthquake, which measured 6.1 on the moment magnitude scale (equivalent to 6.9 on the Richter scale), occurred on July 26, 1963, at 5:17 am local time) in Skopje.

The tremor lasted for 20 seconds and was felt mostly along the Vardar River Valley. There were also smaller aftershocks until 5:43.

Within days after the earthquake took place, 35 nations requested that the United Nations General Assembly place relief for Skopje on their list of agendas. Relief, in the form of money, medical, engineering and building teams and supplies was offered from 78 countries all over the world.


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