Turning freely, the roaming to the Western Balkan countries is cheaper by 99 percent

Citizens from today on every trip to the countries of the region (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania) will be able to use the internet, send SMS, call and receive calls at prices lower than 99 percent,

- This will specifically mean that citizens will be able to make calls to the countries of the Western Balkans, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo at a price of 5.4 MKD per minute including VAT. So far, the average price was 75, 4 denars. They will be able to receive calls at a price of 2.9 denars per minute.

The current price was 30.2 MKD. They will be able to send SMS at the price of 2.6 denars. The current price was on average 16.1 denars. They will be able to use the Internet at a price of 1.9 denars per megabyte. The current price is 257,4 denars. The prices are linear and are valid for all countries and operators with VAT included.

The decline in prices for Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina for outgoing calls is 68.58%, for incoming calls 31.67%, for SMS 71.40% and for internet 89.40%, while for Albania and Kosovo the drop the price in all segments is about 93 percent.

At the same time, they inform that on July 1, 2021, roaming will be fully implemented from home.

Talks have already begun on this, but at the same time, negotiations with the European Union will begin in 2021, since the problem should first be solved in the Western Balkans.
Currently, with different countries of the European Union, prices are different.

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