Bulgaria: The Roma voluntarily renewed the children's hospital

In the city of Serdades in Bulgaria, the Protestant church has been active for many years, helping minorities to facilitate integration into society. The church is very active, where the city itself very rarely invests in the use of similar projects, and also the activities of the NGO sector are very limited.

In fact, in Serdethes in the southeast of Bulgaria, about 20 Roma for days worked to restore the separations in the Children's Hospital by purchasing material from their own funds. They are all part of the Protestant community of this city. Jordan Atanasov, pastor, said how this idea was born.

- In late May, my acquaintance, a nurse called me and told me that the main doctor would like to talk to me. He asked me to find young members of our church to help with tiling tiles in one of the rooms in the children's department.

However, the hospital was in a very poor condition, so I decided to call myself several more men and women from our church who accepted the work and made the decision that they want to help in its renewal - say pastor Atanasov.

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