The MLSP with the new law provides social security for 6,000 people over 65 years of age with a social pension of about 100 euros a month

With the Law on Social Security of the Elderly, which is part of the social reform and has already come into force, we provide socially persons over 65 who have no other sources of existence. The monthly allowance for these persons is about 6,000 denars, and about 6,000 citizens are expected to use it.

All persons who are citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for at least 15 years have the right to social security benefits and do not receive old-age pension, including persons with no day of service.

For households where both men and women fulfill the conditions for using social security, the fee will be used by only one member because it is a social security right and is not related to pension and disability insurance.

From today, the submission of requests for all new rights introduced by social reform, such as the right to social pension benefits, has begun.

With the introduction of social security for the elderly as a Government, we once again confirm that we equally cater for all citizens. Each of us deserves a dignified life in the society, because we all contribute to its construction.


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