From June 1, cash only 500 Euros! If you want a TV or furniture worth over 500 euros, only through an account!

From June 1 this year, the way of cooking is coming into force. This means that from now on, everything you will want to buy can be paid in cash - cash but with a value of up to 500 euros.

The downsizing of the threshold will most likely be felt by the retailers with appliances and furniture. It will not be possible, for example, to buy a TV in cash that costs over 500 euros.

This prohibition will also apply to individuals and legal entities, and if the Law is violated, fines in the amount of 5,000 to 80,000 Euros shall apply. The purpose of this law is to prevent the gray economy, and citizens can buy only a small amount in cash.

Instead of using cash, residents of Macedonia will have to use a payment card or with a payment slip to pay cash in a bank, savings house or pay through an account to another institution that provides payment services.

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