Here's how Zoran Dimov "eats" three hundred denars from the old Roma who applied for the German pension fund for military damages: The Berlin court ruled - "No money for the old Roma!"

At the beginning of March 2015, RDICM from its office issued a call to file old-age documentation - Romanies who were born in May 1945 and older so they can be sent to Germany - Berlin before the existing pension fund, for eventual payment of one form damages (retirement) for their suffering during the Second World War.

In that German pension fund they had to decide whether they had the option of paying some kind of monthly pension for those elderly people as long as they were alive, if they proved that during the Second World War they were not completely free in their activities and movements, nor they were offered some form of alternative earnings.

In this context, due to limited movements and controls, they were forced to look for their own work and thus feed themselves and their family, while being isolated in a kind of open ghetto - a place where they live under control and observation without possibility for some free movement and functioning.

Therefore, RDICM as an organization is offered to assist them in their application and application. For this purpose, one German lawyer was also hired who would defend their claims before that pension fund.

In addition to the documentation (a copy of an excerpt, not older than 6 months, - proof that these persons are still alive, as well as a written personal statement), translation of those statements into German required the engagement of a German translator who declared them all translated into German and sent to the Pension Fund in Berlin, which cost 300 denars (5 euros) that the old people paid from their own pocket, and then some "spirits" begin to manipulate the elderly that allegedly Zoran Dimov has paid that money put it in his own pocket and used them for his own needs !!!

They spent almost four years and then they were informed by the fund that all these requests are without foundation, because there were no ghettos in Macedonia or in Serbia where Roma lived, nor some form of observation of those places of living, or forced labor.

At the same time, the fund states that according to historians, the Roma lived in their places without coercion and use of physical violence.

From all of this, it follows that firstly, RDICM and Zoran Dimov completed their part most correctly and more than that, and that the whole story about those 300 denars given by the elderly people is without foundation and very low provocation by some negligent Roma people. The second thing is that all the applications of those elderly people have been sent to Berlin, but the Berlin Fund, otherwise, the authorized advocate that defends the interests of the old Roma appealed the decisions to the court, but the court is in the same opinion as Berlin Pension Fund.

But according to Zoran Dimov, he says that he will not stand here but on the contrary he will fight to the end to reach the old Roma to his well-deserved justice. Therefore, he already organizes at the end of June in Skopje from June 27th to June 30th the Parliamentary session of the International Roma Union - IRU, who is also a president, and in that framework, organizes scientific symposiums, among which one of them is the topic "The situation of the Roma from Macedonia and the Balkans during the Second World War and the existence of Roma ghettos "

With all new knowledge and scientific historical opinions that will be presented by well-known historians and connoisseurs of the Roma past, he will submit them to the German court and the Berlin Pension Fund, as relevant evidence and challenging their claims that are completely opposite.

These old Roma deserve respect and, above all, their suffering during the Second World War.



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