Whether through the National Strategy for the Development of a Concept for a Society and Interculturalism, the idea of ​​the functioning of the Historical Roma Resource Center (IRRC)

In the past period within the framework of one of the undertaken activities by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia and a Coordinative Body for the preparation of the National Strategy for the Development of the Concept for a Society and Interculturalism was established.

Robert Alagjozovski has been appointed as the president of that body, and various other governmental, members of international institutions, the NGO sector and others participate in that body.

In the period that passed, several meetings and discussions were held in drafting a draft text for the preparation of the National Strategy for the development of the concept of a society and interculturalism.

Otherwise, this draft text represents a document that is being prepared for the first time in the RSM and is of special importance since it should initiate the activity and strengthen the processes of communication and cooperation between different cultures and communities in the direction of creating a society that is fair and just and makes all citizens equal.

Its goal is to create a society in which everyone feels as a member of "a society" and through it to implement the recommendations of the international bodies of the UN, the CoE, the EC and the OSCE.

At the same time, this is a "good wind in the back" in order to realize an idea (project) by ZRDICM together with the help of the state and partner organizations for the functioning of the Historical Roma Resource Center (IRRC). The idea and the idea is that the Center will function in the Museum of Music and Arts Stevo and Esma Teodosievski.

Otherwise, the Coordinative Body for drafting the draft National Strategy for the development of the concept of a society and interculturalism, according to their perception, there are huge chances and capacities to function this idea.

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