To stand up against the protest march of the right-wingers of Hungary, starting on May 21 this year

In Hungary on May 21 a protest march of the far-right right-handers from Hungary organized by the right-wing organization of Betrayal Sereg is announced.

They are known for their Anti Romani rhetoric and hatred of the Roma minority living in Hungary.

Otherwise, they are known for their frightening marches by endangering the innocent population, including whole families and children. Otherwise this movement was previously known as the "Hungarian Guard" paramilitary organization which is already prohibited by law.
Otherwise they will use that march to put their theory against the so-called. "Roma Crime", "Roma Terror" and the like.

There is no such thing in Hungary, but it is about "individual criminal acts that have no closeness with the generalization of a whole minority.
Otherwise, we also recall that in Hungary there is a law, a legal system and competent institutions that need to solve these tasks, that is, the police, and not through some paramilitary and illegal party police and groups.

Therefore, the Hungarian government is demanding that it protect its citizens from the far-right paramilitary forces that endanger Hungarian society, including all citizens within those boundaries.

At the same time, the International Roma Union - IRU, headed by its President Zoran Dimov, sends an appeal to the Hungarian Government to abide by its legal obligations to protect citizens, including the Roma community in Hungary.

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