Research: To stay or go outside the state? From Macedonia, 73% of the citizens have a desire for eviction

In one analysis carried out an analysis made entitled "SEE Youth Study" made by FES and CESID„ in one of the countries in our neighborhood, according to the economic and social status, how many citizens from the country of origin would remain in the country where they are in the moment or to leave somewhere abroad for economic or other reasons. the results are most for leaving than for staying.

The analysis shows that among the analyzed 10 Southeast European countries, the top is Serbia, where 75% of the citizens would leave, while only 25% would live in it.

Immediately on second place are from Macedonia where 73% would leave, while 27% would remain.

And other countries, such as Albania, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia, account for 66 to 62 percent of those who want to leave, 58 percent in Kosovo, while Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania account for 30 percent to 34 percent.

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