An excuse will be taken out of the city where you live, and not where you were born

At its last session, the Government adopted the information on electronic connection of 76 main areas with the Electronic Registry of the Register for Birth Register.

Since the establishment of the electronic registry of registers, electronic connection of 82 domains has been made so far, and in this way, the citizens have been able to submit an application for issuing an extract in the city where they live, regardless of their place of birth and place of residence, and electronically to be provided from the city where the person was born.

With this connection, the Diplomatic and Consular Offices of Northern Macedonia have been enabled to connect electronically with the domains of the Directorate for Register of Births and Deaths, which are required by the citizens who live abroad in a faster time interval.

Centralization of data and optimization of business processes in the Office will open a wide range of possibilities in the area of ​​implementation of the European regulations and increase the efficiency of the administration, is the conclusion of the Government session on this item.

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