ERRC: Europe has an increase in the collective punishment of Roma for individual offenses

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) published a list of facts condemning the acts of collective punishment of the Roma community in 10 European countries.

The publication was published during the "EU Roma Week" event, held in the European Parliament of March 18-21, and pointed out examples of violations committed against Roma by state authorities and far-right groups.

The fact sheet highlights the collective punishment against Roma in Europe, disputes the collective perception of Roma, where racist officials use them as justifiable but unlawful punishment of the entire community, for alleged crimes of some Roma individuals.

The ERRC condemns the violation of individual rights, and consider that collective punishment is one of the most extreme manifestations of anti-Roma sentiment in Europe, writes European Interest.

"Regardless of the society where public institutions allow the collective punishment of an ethnic group, where several people are susceptible to a crime, or simply because they are poor, violating the fundamental principles of any state where the laws of a lawful state are governed", the director of the ERRC , Adam Weiss

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