Hungarian bishop complains about the situation of the Roma in the country

The Hungarian Bishop Janos Szekely warns of the consequences of social exclusion of the Roma in his home country. In the majority of communities inhabited by Roma in the northeast and south of Hungary, there is "huge misery", complained the diocesan bishop of Szombathely in an interview for the current issue of the Catholic weekly "Uj Ember".

Unemployment is high, school education is of the lowest quality and people feel a sense of hopelessness. "The longer the social advancement of the Roma is postponed, the closer we come to a split in the country", feared Szekely, the Rome Apostolic Commissioner of the Hungarian Bishops' Conference.

Politics and Hungarian society abandoned people instead of using resources for their equality. In the regions inhabited mainly by Roma, in the face of the situation, there is a longing for the emergence of a separate Roma country. "Far and wide we hear of the Roma: If a country does so little for us, then it is better to go their separate ways," said the Bishop.


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