The highest European salaries are from the EU, the Balkan countries at the bottom

According to the latest data published by the Eurostat survey, published by several Balkan media, the highest non-EU citizens are on the Old Continent.

At the very top is Switzerland with an average monthly salary of 4,370 euros, the second is Iceland with 3,568, and the third Norway with 3,310 euros. Of the EU member states, the average wage is the highest in Denmark - 3,309 euros, followed by Luxembourg with 3,159, and Sweden with 2,570 ... The Germans, meanwhile, have an average salary of 2,270 euros.

The lowest salaries in Europe are Moldavians - 212 euros, and a little before them are the Ukrainians with 240 and the Belarusians with 337.

According to these data, in the Balkans the convincing leader is Slovenia with an average salary of 1,077 euros, followed by Greece with 917, Croatia with 827, Romania with 535, Montenegro with 512, Serbia with 460, Bulgaria with 457, BiH with 445, Albania with 378 , Macedonia with 376 euros.

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