What are the roots of the problem of begging in Macedonia?

It is assumed that there are about 2,000 children in Macedonia on the street.
The struggle for naked existence many children in Macedonia carry on the street. Sami, or with their parents, beg to come to a piece of bread.

According to psychologists, it is mostly children who are out of the educational process and come from families of Roma nationality, who from small ones are getting used to this way of life.

A factor that greatly influences this phenomenon is the low level of education of parents. Therefore, measures are needed for their education and employment.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Centers for Social Work provide expert, advisory and teamwork for street children and their parents and providing the right to social protection, and they conduct field activities twice a week.

Through the project "Inclusion of Roma children in public pre-schools", it is possible to improve and support the integration of these children before starting their primary education. Only this school year, there are 514 children.

Children on the street also visit special centers where they are provided with an educational component, preparing them for inclusion in the regular educational process.

Link: https://mk.voanews.com/a/macedonia-children-begging/4230091.html

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