The Life of Roma in BiH: Rejected and "Different"

Despite some positive actions in protecting the rights of Roma in BiH that have been made in recent years, there are still many cases of discrimination where this community faces on a daily basis.

Roma are the most numerous of all 17 national minorities living in BiH. According to the 1991 census in BiH, only about 8,000 of them reported being Roma.
But field reports say their number is significantly higher. According to the OSCE Special Rapporteur on the situation of Roma in BiH since 2013, there are over 50,000 Roma on the territory of BiH.
According to some other available information, the figure of about 70,000 is most often mentioned, but all this information is not taken into consideration and it is not relevant that the final report from the last census in BiH is provided.

However, it is known that Roma are the most endangered national minority where they often encounter prejudice, discrimination, and Roma people perceive them as "different" as a group that does not belong to that society where they live, and there are more crimes committed against them only by hatred.


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