Healthy injustice to Roma through hospital hospitals

The right to health care for the "minor" ethnic group in the country is disappointing, and it is even more daunting that the problems in this sphere are regularly picked up under the carpet. Not enough is being said about the pockets of the road to health insurance for Roma, the vaccination of Roma women, and the rights to promote reproductive health among Roma women. Through the hospital halls, there are parallel rocks and hidden discrimination against the Roma.

Health, as one of the weakest links in the Macedonian system, is weakening people's health on a daily basis. It is not a small number of individuals who, together with their own families, have experienced the flaws in achieving this most important and crucial right, since health starts everything. In that direction, the members of the Roma community are no exception.

The right to health care of the "smaller" ethnic community in the country is disappointing, they count on the topic, and it is even more daunting that the problems in this sphere are regularly picked up under the carpet. Not enough is being said about the pockets of the road to health insurance for Roma, the vaccination of Roma women, and the rights to promote reproductive health among Roma women. Through the hospital halls, there are parallel rocks and hidden discrimination against the Roma.

All in all, Roma in the country are victims of covert discrimination in preserving their own health, which results in distrust of patients - Roma towards medical personnel. On the one hand they face unequal treatment, and when they go for justice, for this reason they face another pain - the slow and painful injustice. A different color of the skin is still synonymous with the imposed stereotypes in society and often means repacking the Hippocratic oath. Only with a common effort and as soon as possible all of us together can dedicate ourselves to satisfying the health injustice of the Roma, which once more hurt than the disease itself!


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