98% of child workers at crossroads are Roma!

98% of Roma children are on the street, according to the analysis of the "National Roma Centrum". Even though they are underage, they are at almost every corner looking for mercy, cleaning windshields from cars or selling various items. group for the interests of the Roma.

"Declaratively everyone is supporting the Roma, but in the work we can not see it. Unfortunately, discrimination is still present today and on a very high level, "the connoisseurs say

"Life in bad conditions, no infrastructure for drinking water, electricity. Problem with abandoning the state, but also for the restrictions on the freedom of movement of these citizens. For schools that learning with Roma children is undesirable for parents whose children do not belong to this community, "said Ixhet Memeti, ombudsman.

Otherwise, most of the Roma children are not enrolled in registries, nor in schools, but they do not have health insurance.

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