On November 16, 2024, Summit on Roma leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans will be held in Budapest, Hungary, on the topic "A look at EU policy for Roma: from local to global"

In the organization of the three Roma representatives in the governmental institutions of Hungary, which he is also the President of the EU, Attila Sztojka, State Secretary of Social Inclusion and Roma Relations, Ministry of Interior, Hungary, Horváth János Sándor dr. General Director of the General Directorate of Social Inclusion, Ministry of Interior, and Aba Horváth Istvan President of The Hungarian Roma National Self-Government, In Budapest, on November 16, 2024, a Summit for Roma

leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans will be held on the topic "A look at EU policy for Roma: from local to global"

At the Summit itself, a large number of Roma leaders from several national and international institutions, organizations, etc. announced their presence.

Part of the panel discussions that will be on the agenda of the Summit are:

"The role of elected Roma officials in the development of EU and Western Balkan policy"

"Coordination of national and Roma inclusion strategies at the level of the EU and the Western Balkans"

"Strengthening the political influence of the Roma in the institutions of the EU and the Western Balkans"

and "Creating accountability mechanisms for policy implementation"


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