Here's what Baba Vangja had to say about Donald Trump and whether her prophecy came true: "Yes, he will come back, but..."

Donald Trump is the new president of America after defeating the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vangja predicted that Donald Trump will rise again. She knew he would return as president, but noted that there would be a mysterious illness associated with him. One of the greatest prophetesses of the 20th century said that 2020 will be terrible for Donald, that he will get sick with an illness that will cause nausea, brain damage and hearing loss, but also that someone in his family will have a car accident, reports "24".

Trump did not lose his hearing, but in July of this year, at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, the top of his right ear was hit after being shot at at a rally.

Screams could be heard from the audience. Trump clutched his right ear as Secret Service agents led him off the stage. He later announced on social media that he was fine.

And while many think that Grandma Vanga's predictions are pure nonsense, her fans claim that she predicted the rise to power of some of the world's most powerful leaders, such as Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, as well as natural disasters that marked the 20th and 21st centuries.


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