Today in Budapest, Hungary, a Summit for Roma leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans was held on the topic "View of the EU Roma policy: from local to global".

Today in Budapest, in the presence of a significant number of Roma leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans, a Summit was held on the topic "View of the EU Roma policy: from local to global".

Roma political representatives in the governments and parliaments from Hungary, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia were present, as well as Roma leaders, representatives of Roma international organizations, such as the president of the IRU Zoran Dimov, and the secretary of the IRU Parliament and treasurer Veli Husein. . There was also the presence through an online video network of other Roma leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans.

The summit was organized by the three Roma representatives in the government institutions of Hungary, which is also the President of the EU, Attila Stojka, State Secretary for Social Inclusion and Relations with the Roma, Ministry of the Interior, Hungary, Horvath Janos Sándor, etc. Director General of the General Directorate for Social Inclusion and Abba Horvath István President of the Hungarian Roma National Self-Government.

The Summit itself discussed and had several panel sessions: "The role of elected Roma officials in the development of EU and Western Balkans policy"

"Coordination of national and Roma inclusion strategies at EU and Western Balkan level", "Strengthening the political influence of Roma in EU and Western Balkan institutions" and "Creating accountability mechanisms for policy implementation"

This summit is just an introduction to several other Summits that are planned for 2025, which aims to strengthen the institutional political influence of the Roma from the EU and the Western Balkans in the institutions and better creation of future policies related to the Roma and the Roma issue.

Otherwise, the conclusions and recommendations from this Summit will be submitted to the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council of Europe.

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