The ARM is recruiting 125 new professional soldiers

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia published on its website a public announcement for the admission of 125 professional soldiers in the service of the ARM with a fixed-term contract of 3 years, with the possibility of extension.

In addition to the requirements to be citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and to be of age but before the age of 25, the SSS and also have special health and physical ability.

The amount of personal income will range from 22.059,00 denars to 25,574.00 denars.

The announcement lasts 15 days from its announcement (13.11.2019). Employment shall take into account the equitable representation of citizens belonging to all communities with due regard for the criteria of professionalism and competence.

All other conditions can be found on the following link of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.


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