Former Titoism and current Presidentialism

Titoism is a communist ideology named after the Yugoslav leader, Josip Broz Tito, used to describe the specific political ideology that was built in the SFR Yugoslavia following the schism between the Soviet Union and the SFR Yugoslavia in the aftermath of Yugoslavia's invasion of Yugoslavia.

The elements of Titoism are based on the principle: in each state the means needed to achieve the goals of communism must be dictated by the state itself, not by another.

Yugoslavia remained the only communist state in the Balkans that withstood Moscow's pressure to join the Warsaw Pact and remained "socialist but independent"

From another point of view, no matter how "Titoism" sounds like a monotony, and a cult of "one person" who is rich in the name of narcissism, in parallel, Josip Broz Tito literally left nothing behind his death for his immediate descendants, on the contrary, they are for the state, while its close heirs still live as a "middle class"

And today the former heads of state (Tudjman, Milosevic and others), as now with these heads of state from the former SFRY, taking on the high positions of how their closest heirs and future generations of the closest family are financially and financially secure. The head hurts by the numbers!

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