Humiliated and offended by the environment and with endangered rights and dignity, LGBTI Roma face hell every day

“We had no right to drink coffee in a cafe because we are Roma and gay. They didn't allow us to sit down. "
This is just one of many examples cited by LGBTI Roma when it comes to their rights, their attitudes towards the environment, but also their attitudes towards institutions, and of society as a whole, to their sexual orientation.
"They told us that there was no room for gypsy gays and that we should go to the gas chamber," they said.

- LGBTI people in the Roma community face prejudice in the Roma community because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, and in the LGBTI community they will face prejudice because of the Roma ethnicity.
They Are Afraid of Claiming Their Rights Therefore, many LGBTI Roma in Macedonia are expelled or make plans to leave the country.



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