Zbogar: Roma who sneak into the streets entered the EC report

We have to trample our sleeves, keep working together and see how we can best use what we have at our disposal right now, and we have a dedicated government, we have new energy among the young Roma leaders in the country and we have EU assistance.

This triangle is a good start. Let's make a difference, to improve the situation, said Evorambador Samuel Zbogar.

- The real work for the inclusion of Roma is not yet over, but it is ahead of us. The cycle of poverty, discrimination and exclusion of Roma still exists - said Zbogar.

He pointed out some of the existing problems that have also been noted in the latest EC annual report on the state.

These are Roma who are roaming in the streets, Roma children who are not at school, Roma living in inhumane conditions, illegally inhabited places, without identity cards, searched after the waste. There are still juvenile marriages and other forms of discrimination.

Zbogar informs that at the moment they finalize the selection of students and students who will receive scholarships for primary education, prepare and grant a program for better infrastructure in Roma settlements.

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