Zoran Dimov and Asmet Elezovski at an international conference in Warsaw on raising awareness among Roma during the elections organized by OSCE / ODIHR

In an organization of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw on June 4, they were present at the invitation of the OSCE and ODIHIR, among others the President of the IRE Zoran Dimov, as well as the director of NRC Kumanovo, Asmet Elezovski.

Among other things, Zoran Dimov also had his successful presentation on the importance of the media in the political electoral processes and the role of the Roma in those processes

Otherwise the main goals of the workshop were:
To raise awareness of the limited Election participation of Roma in the Western Balkans; and to be a forum for the exchange of good practices in promoting the involvement of Roma in cooperation with responsible institutions in monitoring election recommendations in election observation reports, as well as the recommendations of the Third ODIHR

Statement: Implementation of the Action Plan for the Improvement on the situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE, Roma, Roma. "

The event is organized by the ODIHR through its support to the Western Balkan elections, funded by the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency.

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