The population census will cost Macedonia around 8.5 million euros

On the territory of Macedonia, the long-awaited population census will be carried out next year.

As the director of the State Statistical Office, Apostao Simeevski, pointed out, the census will last three weeks and it will cost about 8.5 million euros.

"About 6,000 people will participate in the upcoming census. It will cover all persons, including those who are present and absent from the state. The law is envisaged, those who do not self-sign, data to give the best knowledge.

 We expect in six months after the census to have final results. The census is an expensive operation, it takes a long time to cost about 8.5 million euros. Some of these funds will be spent this year in order to provide equipment.

The census will last from April 1 to April 21, 2020. We will have one week for further checks. As for the Diaspora, there will be no classic census.

They will have the opportunity to sign up with a separate web application" said Simeuski.


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