For the first time, the site of a Serbian ministry will also be in Romani language

The site of the Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure will be translated into Roma language, which represents a single move in Serbia and the region, because for the first time the site of a state institution in the Balkans will be translated into this language, the statement from this Ministry.

As stated, the initiative was proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister Zoran Mihajlovic, who is the head of the Coordinative Body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy on Social Inclusion of Roma and Romani women in Serbia.

"Mihajlovic also wants in this way to make an active contribution to better access to the information, services and activities that the Ministry and the entire team of the Government provide with the aim of efficient inclusion of the Roma community in the society, and because of this event she called the other ministries at least part of its contents that are relevant for the Roma community and inclusion in the society to be translated into their language, "the statement said.

It is added that the Government of Serbia works a lot in the integration of the Roma community in the society and all the measures that the state implements, and for the improvement of conditions in the field of employment, education, health and housing for the members of the Roma community will be translated into Roma language.

"In addition to the website of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, a multilingual web platform of the Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy on Social Inclusion of Roma and Roma in Serbia is under development, and in one place there will be a database with the most relevant information , strategic documents and publications related to monitoring the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan "is added in the press release.



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