Organizations across the country opposed the concept of Karakachanov Rom

Various associations, associations, foundations and organizations from all over the country voted against the so-called. "The Concept of Changes in the Policy for the Integration of the Gypsy (Roma) Ethnic in the Republic of Bulgaria!", Initiated by the Military Minister Krasimir Karakachanov.

They proliferated in the open letter to the media the position and demands "The crazy document" to be stopped.

"We consider it unacceptable for this document to be considered by the Bulgarian government because it will compromise the state and our society, whether the charges are democratic, humanistic, social and just!", Stated in the letter.

We remind that according to Karakachanov's words, the concept includes "a package of measures for removing ghettos, dealing with Roma crime, socially useful work, control over social assistance, stopping child birth and a number of other mechanisms for the real integration of the marginalized part of this ethnic group."



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