The beginning of the new school year has begun. Children are excited, and some are scared, just like parents, whose role is to carefully prepare them for the new cycle of education.
What is the best thing to say to a child, and what can you not say? There are many dilemmas, opportunities, and one psychologist says what's most effective, so she advises mothers and fathers on the subject.
"First, to address you to strangers. Second, to sit properly and comfortably in a chair. Third, listen carefully, "psychologists say.
"Fourth, to ask the teacher if she does not understand something and to listen to the teacher because she is a substitute for the parents in the school.
So, you need to be told everything you need and important to be able to speak freely to your teacher or teacher. "
Advice is not difficult to apply, and when you look closely you will find it covers everything from child safety to learning.
With these tips the whole school year should be successful. These recommendations may work well in the short term, but psychologists say there is something parents can remember for the future, especially those whose children are first graders.
It is only important that the school does not do too much work and that children are not intimidated by grades or penalties for negative school success.
Learning is a process of ups and downs. The ups and downs will not happen without successful falls.
It is important that learning is not only useful, but also fun, and that the absence of fear and punishment greatly contributes to it.