Ilias Bajram - The first Roma in the world to publish a book in the field of astrophysics and cosmology titled "Universe"

Iliaz Bajram was born in Skopje in 1961. He studied History and Geography. In 1987 he published his first book entitled "Gods are in the Form of Men".

This year he released his second book entitled "Universe" in the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology.

He has previously participated in several collections of poetry. He is also a member of "Research Fellow for Archeology, Astronautics and SETI-Europe -" Forschunggeselschat für Archäologie, Astronautik und SETI-Europa, as well as a member of Archeology, Astronautics and SETI - Research Association - USA - Research Association and Archonologie - USA. Lives and works in Germany

The book has 15 chapters and the author describes the general and special theory of Albert Einstein's relativity as well as the Quantum Mechanics that contributed to the emergence of a new theory known as Super String Theory.

The book covers the development and operation of the Universe - space and time - light speed - temporal dilation - fundamental forces and antidotes - different dimensions - Relativity Theory - quarks - entropy - crab spider - cosmopolitan - cosmopolitan - cosmic black holes - extra dimensions and other themes.

This is proof that there are Roma working in this field as well as the author Bajram himself mentioned that he wants to send a message and motivation to the young generation to work in this field.

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