Idriz Durmish: Never give up and follow your dream, the harder the road is full of obstacles, the greater your success

Idriz Durmish is a student from Skopje, a Roma who studies molecular biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, with an average of 9.8 and dreams of helping humanity in the battle against cancer, one of the deadliest diseases in the modern world.
In an interview with The Roma Times he shared his views.

Roma Times: When was the love for molecular biology born?

Idriz Durmish: Nature and living organisms have interested me since I was young. I was interested in how and where living organisms come from, where they are built and the like. I fell in love with biology in the fifth grade, while in high school I was intrigued by molecular biology. Molecular biology is a relatively new branch of biology that studies biological processes at the molecular level. It mostly focuses on the nature of the DNA molecule ie. and how this molecule carries and interprets information. New branches of genetics, such as genetic engineering for example, tend to alter the "original" DNA sequence in order to eliminate certain deficiencies (diseases, certain crop characteristics, drug production, etc.).

RT: How are you accepted and how are your capacities viewed by non-Roma?

ID: Honestly, at the beginning I was too scared to be accepted by both professors and students. However, here after 4-5 years, I can freely say that PMF is a faculty where work, knowledge and scientific curiosity are valued, while national, religious and racial affiliation are not important at all.

RT: How much free time do you have and how do you fill it?

ID; While I had lectures (already finished with lectures and tutorials in early June), I didn't have much free time because I was at college all day. We also have theoretical lectures and laboratory exercises. But I still managed to get out on the weekends, socialize, and enjoy myself like any young person. On the other hand, I love movies and books, so I often spend the rest of the day learning a good movie and leaving the books in between sessions. I have 3 more exams, so I will graduate and have more time to read books from different genres.

RT: Do you have an idol and in what area?

ID: I have more idols. In the field of physics and astronomy my favorites are Steven Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku. Hawking is known for his theory of the so-called. Hawking radiation coming out of the black holes, Neil Tyson is a great scientist who beautifully promotes science and brings it closer to the audience, while Kaku is one of the founders of string theory (string theory). From biologists I must mention Charles Darwin who at a time when DNA and genetics were unknown, Darwin elaborated on the extraordinary theory of evolution, and Richard Dawkins, a famous evolutionist who exclusively rational thought.

RT: Message to your peers and future generations
ID: I would recommend to all my peers and future generations to study what they love, what interests them and what makes them complete. I would also advise them to never give up and pursue their dream and remember that the harder and more difficult the road is, the greater the success.

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