With the education of Roma women, to future independent women

A successful Roma woman is like Superman, she has unwashed power every day to wake up, smile and work, make her smile and stay smiling and upright, against all the storms that hit her.

With these words, the famous opera solitaire Natasha Tasic Knezevic describes the Roma woman, who is the very Roma woman who managed to get out of the traditional framework.

And this very moment she showed her this very strength. Social networks in Serbia for days wrote about the inconvenience they experienced in a supermarket.

In fact, when a few more people set off to the exit of that supermarket, the alarm was triggered. However, the only "suspicious" of the security was precisely that one. They stopped and ordered them to take out all the things, while the rest of the group freely traveled.

What her "qualify" as "thief" was actually only the skin color. It was not enough that the security had humiliated her, and this "investigation" was also assisted by people by accident, encountered there, by making unpleasant comments about the Roma.

Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/edukacijom-majki-romkinja-do-samostalnih-buducih-zena/


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