The President of IRU and ARBICM Zoran Dimov at a working meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Zoran Ljutkov

Today, as part of his activities, the president of IRU and ARBICM Zoran Dimov had a working meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Macedonia Zoran Ljutkov. During the meeting that took place in the Cabinet of Minister Ljutkov, Dimov presented some of the situations facing the Roma community in the field of culture.

Dimov emphasized that it is of great importance that the Roma community, as part of the Macedonian society, be represented on a larger scale in the field of cultural events both in the state and outside it.

The need to allocate larger funds in this field is of crucial importance, for the preservation of Roma history, tradition, culture, language and the Roma identity in general.

Minister Ljutkov expressed his readiness that in this field he will make an effort for greater cultural representation and affirmation of this community both at the national and international level.

At the same time, Minister Ljutkov was informed by Dimov, as well as by the president of the "Esma" Association, Zorana Kostovska, about the current situation with the House and Museum of Roma Music and the House of Humanity of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski.

At the same time, he got acquainted with part of the legal relationship of this object, as well as the fact that it is necessary to take actions that this object should grow into an official and real House of Music, Culture and Humanity "Stevo and Esma Teodosievski" in the future. and that an adequate solution and module will be found for this object to receive an institutional framework.

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