The first Roma-Serbian series "Love in silence" from November 18 on Pink!

The first Roma-Serbian series in the region brings an exciting and deep story about the birth of love at the moment when two different worlds meet. Ever since the beginning of the filming of the series "Love in Silence" was celebrated in September, viewers have been wondering when this new production will start airing - and now that date is known. The new domestic series "Love in Silence", the first Roma-Serbian series in this region, will start airing on November 18 on Pink TV.

The script of the series "Love in silence" is written by Jelena Miljuš, who is also the author of the series, and Božidar Knežević, and the director is Sreten Jovanović. Nela Mihailović, Milica Mihajlović, Ljiljana Stjepanović, Milan Caci Mihajlović, Suzana Petričević, Miljan Prljeta, Alis Dunica, Bane Tomašević, Aljoša Vučković, Milenko Pavlov, Nada Blam, Srdjan Karanović, Saša Joksimović, Jelica Kovačević, Rade Marjanović, Diana Pavlović, Ksenija Repić, Neđo Osman, Sonja Knežević - they are only part of the cast of the series "Love in silence", which will surely win the hearts of the audience in the region.

"Love in Silence" explores the complex challenges faced by Roma in Serbia and around the world, focusing on the love that develops between members of the Roma and majority communities. The plot of the series is set in the modern world and follows the story of two young people, whose love is born at the moment when two different worlds meet. Their love tests the limits set by society, as they have to deal with the opposition of their families and communities, who find it difficult to accept their relationship. The series explores how these obstacles can be overcome and the ways in which love can overcome cultural and social barriers. Throughout the series, viewers will witness emotional struggles and personal transformations, as two young people try to find their place in a world that is often hostile to what it does not understand. The series not only explores the possibility of love between different cultures, but also provides a reflection on how willing we are to overcome ourselves and accept the different. A fantastic cast, a touching story, phenomenal music, as well as an important message - these are just some of the advantages of the series "Love in Silence", which will be watched by audiences throughout the region. from November 18 on Pink TV.



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