Initiative and campaign to establish a KUD for young Roma from Nis

The campaign leader calls "Roma without KUD have nowhere to go!" is the Roma World Production organization and this is the first campaign independently launched by a Roma association in our country.

15,000 Roma live in Nis, but there is no institution that deals with the preservation of language, tradition and culture - through dance, music, song. The formation of KUD would contribute to connecting young Roma and getting to know them about their origin, traditional Roma music, folklore and customs.

Rom World Production reminds that this role was played by cultural and artistic societies.

Niš has a well-known and long history of cultural and artistic activity through the "Roma" society, which has been continuously active for 30 years. but unfortunately it ceased to exist 25 years ago. For years, Niš KUD "Roma" has been the organizer of the show of cultural achievements of the Roma from all over the former Yugoslavia, for which there are numerous archival materials.

"Roma without KUD have nowhere to go!" is one of the seven best ideas and projects of civil society organizations from all over Serbia, which passed the educational program of Loud Crowd association with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

About 3,000 euros are needed to establish a KUD.





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