When Albert Einstein Met Charlie Chaplin, The Conversation Was Hilariously Epic

Nobel laureate Albert Einstein and Hollywood star Charlie Chaplin met in 1931.

Almost nine decades ago, one of history's most renowned geniuses met one of the greatest comic artists of the world - an encounter that led to an unlikely friendship between the two. The Nobel Prize committee recalled the meeting between Nobel laureate Albert Einstein and Hollywood star Charlie Chaplin in an Instagram post shared Tuesday. 

According to the Nobel Prize post, it was said that "Charlie Chaplin was the only person in Hollywood Albert Einstein wanted to meet."

In 1931, Mr Einstein got the opportunity to meet the biggest name of the silent film era during the premiere of the film CityLights in Los Angeles.  

On 2 February 1931, he got his chance to talk to the actor at the premiere of the film 'City Lights'.
Einstein: "What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!"
Chaplin: "True. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say."

Link: https://medium.com/@kelvinluminis/when-albert-einstein-met-charlie-chaplin-in-1931-einstein-said-what-i-admire-most-about-your-art-867b7edde508



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