At the premiere of the film dedicated to Djey "Sunday", the Roma actors who participated in this film were not invited. WHY?

The premiere of the film "Sunday" was held about the life of the late singer Jay Ramadanovski, whose life was full of ups and downs, love and tragedies.

After last night's premiere in Belgrade, the film "Sunday" about the Serbian folk singer Jay Ramadanovski is announced to be shown in Skopje on January 26 at the Cineplex cinema.

By the way, Ramadanovski comes from a Roma family from Macedonia, and his life ended in 2020 at the age of 57.

The film, directed by Nemanja Qeranic and Milos Radunovic, is otherwise titled after one of Ramadanovski's most famous songs, "Sunday".

Husein Alijevic appears as the main character (role), and Marko Janketic, Stefan Vukic, Aleksej Bjelogrlic, Alen Selimi, Ana Pindovic, Zlatan Vidovic, Milica Janevski also play, and Sanela Emin, Bajram Severdzhan, Emra Kurtishova and dr.

According to the sources of Roma Press, in addition to the apprenticeship in the film, "Sunday" of the Macedonian graduate actors Sanela Emin, Emra Kurtish and Bajram Severdzhan (Koljo), the actors were not invited to the premiere promotion that was held in Belgrade, for the second promotion that should be held in Skopje on January 26, they have not yet been notified and have not been invited.

For this omission, the participants (actors) have no explanation WHY?





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