BTR National TV is celebrating its 31st birthday

On December 13, 1992, the signal of BTR - National was broadcast for the first time in the media airwaves in the Republic of Macedonia. First as a radio, then it will be on television with its own 24-hour program.

In fact, it was the first Roma media in the world with its own all-day program. Years later, this medium grew into a recognizable TV house with its own program of every caliber – informative, cultural, entertaining, musical and educational.

During that period, BTR-National TV established itself among the leading media in the country, and in terms of its viewership, which, despite being Roma, was watched by all nationalities.

A decade later, BTR-National TV went one level higher and was the first Roma media on satellite with its own program

For all these years, TV BTR-National was the author of many program packages and thousands of hours of TV, documentary and film programs of all profiles.

Even today, BTR TV left an indelible mark on the audience, who still remember that period with nostalgia.

Otherwise, in the new period TV BTR - Through its Super Production BTR - SP BTR continued with production activities and recording of documentaries. In the last few years, he has been relevant with his several new documentary products translated to film, namely "Local Heroes - World Talents" then the documentary about the history, origin, language and culture of the Roma "Sky, Wheel, Earth" as well as a sad social story through the documentary "Life at a Crossroads

The most deserving of that achieved success and over 500 employees who paraded through that television is its founder and owner Zoran Dimov, whose birthday is also on December 13th, by sheer coincidence.

Happy birthday Zoran Dimov and TV BTR-National!

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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